Sent an email to the company secretary yesterday expressing deep unhappiness with the way things have been run and how we have been treated. Got no response. Michael used to respond to the email at least. No idea what is going on. Nothing trading. We are all completely fed up with TOR and the board. their salaries are outrageous. It is hard to believe that this is legal i.e. paying extravagant salaries on borrowed money with absolutely no revenue stream. The Coard are supposed to run the company in the interest of shareholders. Is this behavior in the interests of the shareholders. It so far from what would appear as ethical on the face of things that one can only presume that something tangible must be going on behind the scenes. I cannot believe that all the institutional investors (old and new) plus Pagaent would hand their cash over for TOR and the BOD to take out loans to pay high unwarranted salaries unless there was something close to fruition. We will see soon enough. In my letter I told them that all the small shareholders are completely disgusted by the situation and the salaries etc. I also stated my hope that the next statement from Providence will not be one the unpleasant surprises that they tend to spring on us eg Equity Raise. We shall see. What a balls as MAMMS would say !!!!!!!
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