General Discussion - Re: General Discussion Stream Log - WE ARE SPECIALIST IN CLEANING...

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WE ARE SPECIALIST IN CLEANING OF BLACK, WHITE, STAMP ANTI-BREEZE BANK NOTES. WE ALSO DO CHEMICALS MELTING AND RECOVERING OF ALL TYPE OF CHEMICALS. WE ALSO HAVE 2015 AUTOMATIC CLEANING MACHINE FOR RENT AND SALE,WE SALE SSD SOLUTION CHEMICALS LIKE: Anti-freezing Preparations and Prepared De-icing Fluids, SSD Solution. Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution, Defaced currency, Cleaning chemical. Darkened currency, Black coated notes, Cleaning black money, vectrol paste, SSD solution, super automatic solution, anti-breeze bank notes, black marked currency, black coated notes, cleaning Black money. We work on commission and we also offer machines to do the large cleaning and delivery of products to buyers destinations after a consultation fee . depending on different cases, Ssd Chemical Solution and Activation Powder for Sale and automatic ssd, universal solution, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of of defaced notes,contact me by ibrahimyaya82@gmail,com or call 00971559094761
