Falkland Oil & Gas - Re: FOGL Stream Log - A red herring is what...

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18:12 30/09/2015

A red herring is what the Indians had one of there members drag along the opposite direction the tribe was escaping toward, whereby throwing the dogs off the trail.in this situation nbl must be talking to Argentina for a pipeline to their shore and not able to this vast oil 1.5 million barrels per hvcc on "the slow boat to Aberdeen,."give the $10 per barrel to Argentina for every barrel moved in the pipe, all Diomedia and Hersl-- 5 billion barrels. Ship it right to Argentina,'s refinery. Nbl. Your red herring is being eaten by every one on this board. There a smart group.tell Anabel ,the geologist he is " obsolete", and must read my research on independent.academa.edc, ref John Delano "The Origin of Mountains- The Ice Flow Theory." Ask your self this question. Why does the precursor to the oil in zee, Issa and now humpy have " fresh water plant fossils?"why is the humpy sulfur 2.2 suffer and heavy like the Dan of the Bay of Campeche oil of Mexico? Good luck, your 3D seismic work people did a great job. John Delano, author
