African Potash - Re: AFPO Stream Log - Stock - made a mistake...

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20:43 05/09/2015

Stock - made a mistake earlier, my target is 5.6 and not 6.5. Though I will review it when we close in on this number and assess then, I'm hoping to hit this target and take 80% out to invest in a few stocks I have my eye on to hopefully give me safe big returns in December 2018, so fingers crossed we'll hit our respective targets.. Still intend to keep a 10 to 15k in AFPO though because if CC gets what he seems to be aiming for, this will be huge.. Strikes me the deal with COMESA is nothing to do with short term business deals, it's about something way bigger, that's why I feel CC had all this arranged and in place with COMESA before he even 'joined' AFPO
