New World Oil - Re: NEW Stream Log - RE: Settled shares See i...

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17:42 16/06/2015

RE: Settled shares See i said i was a novice! I posted too soon when i hadnt finished. I was saying that through Ben I have been able to take some kind of action which I didnt know i could. Please, if anyone has settled shares, join the group and change over to certificated as soon as possible so we have a chance at bringing about an EGM. I'm sure you would all like to ask the board why they are not support us the shareholders. Anyway, that's my post. I've tried to do it 3 times and for some reason kept losing it. Anyone who wants to attack me, it will be like water off a duck's back. I'm a mum of teenage girls so I've heard it all before. Best of luck to you all

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