New World Oil

New World Oil - Re: NEW Stream Log - RE: Settled shares/Join Ben Turney's...

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17:39 16/06/2015

RE: Settled shares/Join Ben Turney's group Hello everyone, I don't normally post on here so please excuse my mistakes. My husband and i have £27000 invested here which we sadly realise we will probably lose. Before lots of people tell us what idiots we have been and we are greedy etc, please save yourself the time to type and nothing you can say is anything different from what we already know. We invested our inheritance with no real knowledge but that is our mistake and we have to live with that. What i really want to say is though, that Ben contacted me early on as i had a fair amount of shares and he wanted to start the group of settled shares so we could have an EGM. I know many people wondered why just a small group were asked but this was only to try and be more efficient and not to bring it to the boards attention. Unfortunately, we didn't have 10% but we are now getting closer with help from you all. I was weary about changing my shares to certificated as i thought , what if the suspension is lifted and the price goes up etc, but i think we now all realise this isnt going to happen especially with the OO. It was very easy to change to certificated shares through my broker and once i leave the group i can change back with about 3 days. I know many people have views on Ben as so many people have opinions on this one and that one but all I can say is, he has been trying for weeks now to help us pi's. He may gain in some way, but I feel he deserves to. He is on our side and wouldnt you all feel better if you had at least tried to fight for what is right. The board isnt going to support us little pis. I know little about the stock market and through Ben I have been ab

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