BMR Mining - Re: BMR Stream Log - consider this...IF AB is alloed...

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08:12 01/05/2015

How long before the cheerleaders start announcing that they are topping up?!?!?

DO NOT TRUST those who say they've never sold a share etc etc...they have lied to you, they are lying to you, and they will lie to you again

04:05 01/05/2015

consider this...IF AB is alloed to proceed unchecked...he consolidates 10/1 and then issues 500m new shares to whoever...perhaps himself, his friends or his own company or a combination thereof and now has c.85% of the equity for £500k with assets of at least £9m. Then, as a majority shareholder we are forced to sell out to him on the same terms and we are wiped out at a pittance and then, miraculously, the assets get revalued upwards again my view we are in danger of being hoodwnked into voting for our own extinction.
