African Minerals - Re: AMI Stream Log - Yambasu is reported to have...

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21:46 11/02/2015

Yambasu is reported to have received a total of $1.7 million in 4 payments between March 2011 and November 2011. A further unknown amount was also allegedly paid to Ambassador Yambasu at the Country Lodge in Freetown – money which an embittered senior APC official has grumbled, was meant for the Mineral Resources ministry to offset expenses in hosting LUKOIL executives in Sierra Leone.But Ambassador Yambasu’s other activities with the Russians are literally ruffling other friends of President Koroma especially Frank Timis of Africa Minerals whose hold on a massive 20 million tonne iron ore concession is now under threat. After allegedly accepting inducements and incentives in cash running into nearly $185,000 from the Russian company, UC Rusal, Ambassador Yambasu is reported to have arranged a high profile visit of the commercial director of UC Rusal, Mr. Aleksey Gordymov, who is said to have received assurances from the President, the Minister of Mineral Resources (Minkailu Mansaray), and Vice President Sam Sumana.
