African Minerals - Re: AMI Stream Log - Update on temporary shutdown 29/01/2015...

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19:01 30/01/2015

Update on temporary shutdown 29/01/2015 African Minerals Limited Victoria Place 31 Victoria Street Hamilton HM 10 Bermuda Website: Major shareholders of African Minerals have continued to meet during January and discussions on outstanding issues are progressing. As in my last update, all are working toward a resolution; however there are still no firm outcomes to report to you at the moment. While there is positive news coming out of Sierra Leone regarding the Ebola outbreak, and we applaud the efforts of all involved, the Company’s Ebola protocols remain in place and access to site is restricted. Subject to the availability and clearance of funds, we hope to be in a position to release the January salary payment in the coming days. As was the situation in December, this may result in your salary not becoming available until the first week of February. This will be the case especially for those of you who are residents of South Africa where the delay may be four or five days. We apologize for this. Yours sincerely, Kevin McLean CO
