DTM Early Birds - Re: DTM Early Birds Stream Log - Afren Plc logoAfren Plc (LON:AFR)...

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


Afren Plc logoAfren Plc (LON:AFR) was downgraded by Westhouse Securities to a “sell” rating in a research note issued on Wednesday. They currently have a GBX 2 ($0.03) target price on the stock, down from their previous target price of GBX 90 ($1.35). Westhouse Securities’ price objective would suggest a potential downside of 60.00% from the stock’s previous close. AFR has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at Canaccord Genuity reiterated a “hold” rating and set a GBX 25 ($0.38) price target on shares of Afren Plc in a research note on Tuesday. Analysts at FirstEnergy Capital downgraded shares of Afren Plc to a “market perform” rating and set a GBX 170 ($2.55) price target on the stock in a research note on Wednesday, January 21st. Analysts at Investec lowered their price target on shares of Afren Plc from GBX 120 ($1.80) to GBX 30 ($0.45) and set a “hold” rating on the stock in a research note on Tuesday, January 20th. Finally, analysts at JPMorgan Chase & Co. reiterated an “underweight” rating and set a GBX 33 ($0.50) price target on shares of Afren Plc in a research note on Monday, January 19th. Five equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, eleven have given a hold rating and five have issued a buy rating to the company’s stock. Afren Plc has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of GBX 86.52 ($1.30). Afren Plc (LON:AFR) opened at 5.00 on Wednesday. Afren Plc has a 1-year low of GBX 17.089 and a 1-year high of GBX 166.60. The stock has a 50-day moving average of GBX 35.89 and a 200-day moving average of GBX 82.50. The company’s market cap is £55.4 million. Afren plc is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company operating in Africa and the Middle East. The Company has interests in 25 exploration and production licenses in 11 countries and focuses on three regions: West Africa, East Africa and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Company produces 48,000 barrels of oil per day, from its assets in Nigeria and the Kurdistan region of Iraq.


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For the DTM chaps.

DTM Early Birds is a discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014.

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