DTM Early Birds - DTM Early Birds Stream Log

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


just got to go with your heart sometimes

and divi increased

missed the buy though!

yep - was tracking Lloyds at 59p - screaming BUY! now up at 73p!!!

hey ST... see Lloyds SP has had a small change in fortune.... and a few weeks ago I was almost mocking your interest in them. Would of been a good buy. hindsight is amazing!

hello BAO - Nice! Hope your enjoying it out there. Sunny in Shrewsbury, but its only 3 deg C here

Afternoon all from a sunny Peguera

Just need some fuel orders and Metis news and boom time

Wakes wakey indeed for AEG

yes noticed that and some of the new directors are involved in the loan notes in WRN as well
