DTM Early Birds - DTM Early Birds Stream Log

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


CLP boom! looks awesome potential now

hello all, if you are still popping in here!

buyBAO you in UKOG? I noticed it has perked up a bit this week. was thinking of getting some. have I missed anything?

XLM going strong at the moment too and also OCT starting to move.

hey BAO. yes held IOG and traded in and out on some peaks and troughs on the way. Sold some at just over 26p - turns out I was probably a bt trigger happy there, but I'm now fully derisked and sat on a bunch of shares that have effectively cost me nothing

IOG what a beauty, hope you held em

I'm back to spoil the metals revival party!

IOG and many had a great run since I divested!

Hi all!

Hey BAO. Hope all is well. Not checked in for a while. IOG doing the business this week
