DTM Early Birds - DTM Early Birds Stream Log

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


3p off the year low too so looks like worth a punt

He didn't no, but reading through it looks VERY good potentially. The Boss Ed Truel is an old acquaintance of mine (played cricket together and kids also know each other) and he is a VERY sharp cookie. He also bought over £3M worth of shares in the placing in May at 80 p !!

TUNG looks good for a bounce, did he recommend a sell price?

Just had a call from my Broker recommending a T20 on TUNG, took one so will now do some reading lol

if ive got it right going through the RNS over 60% is not going to be in free float?

GIS is Gunn's baby and DL has set him up with a shell company for RTO to get GIS listed. This was the purpose of OCT from the beginning I think, regardless of what the published company strategy was supposed to be.

All the big holders are in above 0.3... and i guess they will be "friends" of Gunn and Lennigas and have been in long term for the RTO. I doubt we will see those guys dumping any yet... so its down to free float and PI sentiment unless some II's are accumulating.


could be anywhere between that and .5

close above .26 is good