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DDD grrr, should have hit buy at 2.5 last week
stumbled upon APC on friday, not been a good year but looks like the low is in around 15p - not bought any
old mutual taken more CPX, i think it's one worth holding
morning P, that's pretty annoying - i'd like a read if you dont mind sharing!
Also bought more IOG this am, really feel good about that one
Hi BAO, ST - OEX is looking bit healthier ST and Yes my bottom drawer has a load of SAV in BAO lol !!! Got really miffed with TD as they had an issue this am and I couldn't trade and was wanting to flog my SAV at 4.75 but there were technical issues !! HAve written a stinker of an email to them
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For the DTM chaps.
DTM Early Birds is a discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014.
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