DTM Early Birds - DTM Early Birds Stream Log

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


yep AEG news must be soon

hoping CPX and AEG can bring me some cash to pay for things

Life is supposed tog et easier I thought ! lol

its not been fun indeed


BAO, seriously I hope it works out with the ex , tough times for you

ouch WTF

i am i allowed to say thats women for ya?


A brief summary of my situation - I have run the family business for about 20 years no having taken it over from my father, I had 2/3rds of the shares and my step mother had the other 1/3rd. We were all happy families etc and spent a great Christmas together etc. Jan 1 I get an email from her saying she wants me to buy her out, I say I cant as I don't have the funds but will consider it for the future. Suddenly I am getting lawyers letters accusing me of excluding her from the business, not updating her, calling me negligent and sueing me for a very large 6 figure sum ! THIS IS FAMILY for fox sake ! So far I have probably had to incur about £30k legal fees at least and its still going on. Lesson learnt - make sure you have a good shareholders agreement and that you stick to the agreed terms by the letter !