DTM Early Birds - DTM Early Birds Stream Log

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


SER are expecting to get a new Indonesian oil and gas deal which will see it boom, but no timescales


yeah im 50% down

thats not fun...any hope?

my PF is 80% down from when i started!


yeah OEX is a painful in in there but not FRR now - unfortunatley due to averaging down lots im stuck in SER at 80% paper loss

ROSE has been hammered to the ground...I think I will wait until xmas and make a decision then.. im happy to take a 50% loss total on my PF to build it back up slowly over a couple of years.

OEX for example...no idea whats guna get that out of a rut. FRR way under valued whens that guna rise etc etc

everything i have in aim now i view as long term...but with positive news the sp just remains or even gets worse....only good one i have faith in is MXO and thats stil speculative