Diamondcorp - Re: DCP Stream Log - RE: hmm: don't bet on...

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21:51 30/10/2014

RE: hmm: don't bet on the SA Government stepping in. The unions in SA today are a bit like the unions were here in the 1970s, PLUS there is an added ingredient where it is almost entirely blacks on strike against mainly white- owned companies. Zumba and his cronies are quite happy to sit back for now and let the unrest fester. With the loss of Mandela, a vital part of the glue holding the country together has sadly gone and there are whispers of a Zimbabwe like scenario further along the line. Don't get me wrong, I think it is potentially a great company and the management have so far done a great job. All I say is let's not discard the fact that industrial unrest is the biggest cloud hanging over this company and the management team have to tread a very canny line. IMHO.
