FITB Stream Log

08:27 31/10/2014

Well said KNIGELK!!!!!!!!!!

08:26 31/10/2014

Emotions makes no money!!!!!!!!

08:25 31/10/2014

Well said nim001

08:20 31/10/2014

I have always "learnt" one thing, Emotions makes no money. Fitbug has had a good run in the last few days and it is time for it to come back to earth. Management of fitbug are surprised about the rise in their share price and no news means the share price must fall. Currently this stock is been short by Simon Cawkwell and other bears. If you are in this stock for the long term then overlook the sharp fall. For me I have made a wonderful profit and sold out on tueday.

08:20 31/10/2014

I have always learner one thing, Emotions makes no money. Fitbug has had a good run in the last few days and it is time for it to come back to earth. Management of fitbug are surprised about the rise in their share price and no news means the share price must fall. Currently this stock is been short by Simon Cawkwell and other bears. If you are in this stock for the long term then overlook the sharp fall. For me I have made a wonderful profit and sold out on tueday.

06:58 31/10/2014

Niya you really do know your onions!!!!!!!!

17:32 30/10/2014

Maybe the Best Buy deal fell through. Maybe Target will only stock it in a handful of their stores. Maybe it being Christmas, nobody is going to be buying these just now cos it's too cold too go out running. I hope I'm wrong with all that, I'm massively down on this stock as I bought too late and was greedy and didn't sell when I was up. But there's too many unknowns to go around saying BUY, BUY, BUY to people right now.

17:28 30/10/2014

5:30 I think that was the opening price and just a glitch on Google Finance. Sadly the price is more like 4.5

16:12 30/10/2014

Elena Saratov where are you?

16:11 30/10/2014

Elena Where are you ?

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