FITB Stream Log

12:04 28/10/2014

Buyers coming in

12:04 28/10/2014

And apart from this stock have u made 400% before?

12:04 28/10/2014

up at 7.4p

12:03 28/10/2014

h shark up at 320%

12:03 28/10/2014

h shark at 400%

12:02 28/10/2014

Oh and if 20% is your normal sell point, then i'll happily take these off your hands for 5

12:02 28/10/2014

So what percentage are you selling this at? Cos it doesn't look to be stopping

12:01 28/10/2014

up up up

12:00 28/10/2014

up 7.2p

12:00 28/10/2014

serpico1010 well said

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