FITB Stream Log

12:09 28/10/2014

I meant to buy at 3.75 yesterday, I set a limit but it didn't trigger even when that price hit. So that's why I'd hoped for a dip again before buying today. Just seems too good to be true so don't blame you for selling out at 400%.

12:08 28/10/2014

h shark I am not a gambler but I take calculated risk

12:08 28/10/2014

H shark I have got 3 accounts

12:07 28/10/2014

H shark came in this morning and bought at 6p for my second trading account

12:06 28/10/2014

I'm just going to sit this out, I had my chance, just have to wait for the next one.

12:06 28/10/2014

h shark some cold turkey investment I made and lost a lot but still recovered to a near decent level

12:06 28/10/2014

Nice. Well looks like you'll be getting your 400% soon. Not tempted to hold on for longer?

12:05 28/10/2014

h shark fitbug might be a good one

12:04 28/10/2014

That was 6 months ago

12:04 28/10/2014

I made 200% from Plus500

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