FITB Stream Log

17:30 28/10/2014

I've never seen a share rise exponentially like this for more than 3 or 4 days, I really don't think it'll get any more growth tomorrow (much as I'd love it to). I think it's reached it's peak on the announcements, the RNS's have reined things in a bit and until there's actually some stock on shelves and we can see how many orders they can fulfil I don't expect much movement on the stock now. Those who have made good money on this, well done, but I think it's time to move on now.

16:51 28/10/2014

Well it's down to 6 as I thought it might well do by the end of the day. Question is if it's worth buying now, or whether it'll keep going down tomorrow. I appreciate it's a good stock, but it was obviously flying higher than any sense.

14:13 28/10/2014

running out of steak, retrace will happen unless RNS

14:13 28/10/2014

back to 6

14:13 28/10/2014

Or do people think it'll drop more?

14:10 28/10/2014

Back to 7, seems a good time to get back in?

13:47 28/10/2014

might buy at 6

13:45 28/10/2014


13:36 28/10/2014

Buy more then.

13:32 28/10/2014

Being going down the last hour. Think this has reached it's top for the day.

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