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True, but people looking at these late orders and making assumptions off it could as well be checking their tea leaves (and that's using tea-bags).
A couple of speculative buys (no matter the size) doesn't prove anything and also will have no effect on the overall SP.
Closing at 5.50, where do you see the UP? Down 11% today, most likely much the same tomorrow as the price rights itself.
Reckon that iii article I just posted could be the reason for the current rise, just hit 6.8 for first time in a while
I think the pure fact Diver as someone who IS interested in fitness and ISN'T investing makes his points all the more relevant. The stock has had it's run due to the Sainsbury/Walmart news, now unless there's another announcement for other stores this stock has all the value already in.
How much demand do you really think there will be for an outdoors fitness product just as we go into the winter months? Really don't see these flying off the shelves in Sainsburys right now.
Sure it's a good product and I've no doubt it'll sell well. Does that mean the share price can justify 7? 6? 5?
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