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17:51 21/09/2016

I am taking a long term view based on this company's prospects, what has been said on here is based on frustration but don't forget there is an estimated £1.5b under the ground from an established working site, so patience will bring rewards for those who wait. I consider this a buying opportunity rather than a loss with time and some good luck for a change things will only get better if the company can get things moving from out of the ground.g . hed workings

21:32 30/11/2015

Sorry: 1st wishing should be knowing.

21:31 30/11/2015

Stop giving traderman123 a hard time. His posts have been more informative than many of the optimistic diarrhoea that others have trotted out. So far his forecasts have been a lot more spot on. Since I have a 100k invested in this company, I have no pleasure in stating this and I suspect much of the acidic replies his posts receive are simply due to investors wishing he had called it right so far, but wishing he had called it wrong.

21:27 30/11/2015

Stop giving traderman123 a hard time. His contributions have been informative and a welcome relief from the optimistic diarrhe

19:09 07/07/2015

GFD: mine have arrived on iii as well and with the same degree of complexity on the TA. However, as always with iii, they settle accounts quickly, unlike the tortoises over at Barclays Marketmaster, where my money has been taken, but the account has still not been updated to show my new shares!

13:28 24/06/2015

GBTR: Forgive me if you think this is too obvious, but have you looked under 'corporate actions' having signed in to your personal trading account?

19:26 23/06/2015

I took up my full allocation of just over £5000 and have tried to double up on any excess offer. Interestingly enough the offer came through my iii account 1st thing Saturday morning and not through my Barclays Marketmaster until this morning.

11:19 21/06/2015

banksman, you're in luck - I'm an engineer for an electricity co, if it is a new pole then planning permission MAY be required - it is the electricity distributor who applies for it, not the landowner - the electricity co will have certain permitted development powers that may enable them to install a transformer without permission. Pole mounted transformers are not noisy at all - most make no perceptible sound whatsoever. If they are proposing to install it on a pole already in your garden, I suggest you speak to the electricity DNO and ask to talk to talk to the wayleave/consents officer for your area. If you're in the South West/South Wales/ or Midlands its Western Power Distribution, South East is UK Power Networks, Southern England is Scottish and Souther Electricity - I'm not sure if you're up North, but you should be able to find it easy enough.

18:24 15/06/2015

its a block cave, this means there is a lot of develpment work preparing the cave, ptting in development drives and infrastructure. Once its prepared its easy, you start drilling and blasting, the ore comes down and you load it on the conveyor - mining cost per tonne is about the cheapest form of underground mining going.

07:54 05/06/2015

Interesting move, as there was already an offer on the table, the BoD must have decided that this was more in the long term intersts of the company than the royalty deal.
