MXO Stream Log

16:13 24/09/2014

Now at 3.71 and getting stronger.. I feel sorry for those who jumped and well done to those who bought on the dip.. wish I had the funds, I've never got enough £££

16:03 24/09/2014

Bounce is now on the way back, even if ending down on day it will only take a week or so before its back up to 4.5 towards 5..

15:45 24/09/2014

Blow & Bladd... You are so right.. good to read posts with some sense!

15:35 24/09/2014

Price has already recovered by around 5% and as 15gotnocash said problem buying 20K shares.. bit of calm needed her.. pay day will come to all those who wait..

15:14 24/09/2014

The wolf is on holiday..

15:11 24/09/2014

Good post 1962.. Been following your posts and in similar boat with my mum! You know what I'm talking about.. It only takes 4 or 5 days of being in the blue to make this up over the next few months.. Patience all..

14:55 24/09/2014

There will be a recovery, and there will be some big money made here if pi's just have a bit of patience. My investment has gone Dow by £1k, but I was in for the long and to be honest that £1k down was profit on MXO and if this price is available next week when I have funds available, I will be buying £10K more.. It's ano brainer if pi's would just read the rns's and listen to those who have put 100's of hours research (Free to you and me!). November is not far away. This always was a Nov/Dec deal for me and I will be laughing next week when I pick up more shares at this ridiculous low entry price.. Good post Bel

22:54 17/09/2014

Excellent post applegath, MXO will hopefully be over 5p by Friday and Alex Salmond will be out on his ear after the NO vote.. MXO is a no brainer, just all hold tight and be patient, don't sell the best shares that have came our way for a long time..

08:01 15/09/2014

Can even buy £1K from Barclays..

13:53 09/09/2014

Hi welshmen, I've also been in since 3.9p a few weeks ago. If I had more funds I would buy more.. I've even got family members buying into MXO, fantastic opportunity for everyone.. This will be over 5p by Friday, and good times ahead..