Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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14:45 13/08/2014

got some at 19p

14:15 13/08/2014

cheaper than prior to for sale sign

14:15 13/08/2014

7.6p is a buy for me

14:04 13/08/2014

Its scary stuff but i wold rather hold than take a loss. Even if it takes 6 months better than going for the loss.

11:33 13/08/2014

Im still in for the ride - still got my lottery ticket!!! If this rockets now you will feel gutted

09:26 13/08/2014

SP is now just under the pre-speculation price... got to be good for a punt!!!

15:09 12/08/2014

Thanks guys for the info - makes sense now

15:06 12/08/2014

Steak - the forum pulls posts from LSE and Interactive Investor Sites. Posts with a little LSE symbol or blue square symbol are from those respective boards.

14:55 12/08/2014

Cheers BuyBAO

14:49 12/08/2014

then your posts will be visible there and here

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