Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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11:15 20/10/2014

I agree... DOnt be greedy... use what you've invested already and take your profits when its risen! Otherwise, if this stock doesnt shift for another 2 months or more, everyone will be cursing and cussing like on the BHR forum.

10:55 20/10/2014

who are these market makers? They sound like some aliens in a control room...

10:04 20/10/2014

going down now

09:52 20/10/2014

Nothings moving on HL

09:26 20/10/2014

how much could it go up to? my calculations say 0.25p... inclouding new input of cash... i.e. $48m

16:18 17/10/2014

I bought at 7.8... the price has dropped dramatically... Should i hold???

15:51 17/10/2014

I wouldnt be surprised if Boreddesign makes a commission on every buy! youre like a super sales man

15:25 17/10/2014

I've had enough watching share news all day... im gone. GL everyone

15:20 17/10/2014

Well it does say, that Shareholders are warned that it could possibly mean that the company do not go for the deal... although they have signed the papers and waitign for approval from the shareholders

15:17 17/10/2014

Dont mean to be annoying or anything like that

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