Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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14:29 24/07/2014

what you get in at bao ?

14:27 24/07/2014

32.5p to buy

14:25 24/07/2014

juice out!

14:25 24/07/2014

more syrup required

14:05 24/07/2014

take the sell down a penny and the bid down .25p nice!

14:05 24/07/2014

35.25 to buy

14:04 24/07/2014

still 35.5p to buy

13:56 24/07/2014

35.5p to buy

13:53 24/07/2014

this is going up on 500 quid buys crazy!

13:42 24/07/2014

tbf it could take off again this afternoon - looking at this mornings trades it doesnt need much pressure to increase the SP and a lot of people at lunch atm

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