Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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15:00 24/07/2014

not enough substance, true, but if there is a bid it will well over 50p

15:00 24/07/2014

wtf happened while i was away

15:00 24/07/2014


14:58 24/07/2014


14:58 24/07/2014


14:42 24/07/2014

stop losses triggered

14:39 24/07/2014

dropping like a stone

14:38 24/07/2014

haha nice !! seen 120% and thought to myself 'no, dont be stupid you will get spiked' ...... annnnnd wrong again !

14:30 24/07/2014

set a sell for 38p didnt get there yet!

14:30 24/07/2014


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