Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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15:05 24/07/2014

like GCM last week

15:05 24/07/2014

buy on rumours

15:05 24/07/2014


15:05 24/07/2014

was saying to pb on DTM...fair play to u, cos must have been dangerous not knowing wtf was guna happen

15:04 24/07/2014

which is bad for profittssss

15:04 24/07/2014


15:04 24/07/2014


15:04 24/07/2014

or guna leave it?

15:04 24/07/2014

got a buy back price BAO?

15:04 24/07/2014

i'll sell for 5% when i get scared later today haha

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