Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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15:11 24/07/2014

should be good support at 19.38p

15:11 24/07/2014

so BAO u in or out?

15:10 24/07/2014

that'll help

15:10 24/07/2014

not delayed

15:10 24/07/2014

13k buy just went throught @.27

15:09 24/07/2014

L2 1v3 MPLE

15:08 24/07/2014


15:08 24/07/2014

haha indeed sand

15:08 24/07/2014

jumping in at the top of a 200-300% ramp is generally only going to end one way!

15:07 24/07/2014

just ramped?

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