Maple Energy - MPLE Stream Log

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15:17 06/08/2014

Could be first thing tomorrow morning. I wouldn't want to not be in on this rocket.

13:06 06/08/2014

it this going up or down? I think as the end of the day comes we are that bit closer to news

13:05 06/08/2014

Whats everyones thoughts on what will happen with the share price this afternoon

12:22 06/08/2014

News could be anytime.

11:32 06/08/2014

Hold your nerve - don't sell cheaply.

10:12 06/08/2014

only going 1 way now

10:12 06/08/2014

Still amazing punt even at these levels

10:03 06/08/2014

Must be mad to sell now

10:02 06/08/2014

Congrats to the buy earlier at 8.90p - got a dam good price there IMHO

15:17 05/08/2014

Now now girls.

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