Wrote IR and asked them 2 questions: 1. What is the recruitment base for the targeted 200 million subscribers? Andrew from I R answered and I will summarize since it is long. Included are all the Visa and MC holders (4 billion by his estimate), all the verticals including telefonicas 300 million and their current base of maybe 150million from which the 30 million comes from assuming a 20% penetration rate. I guess that makes the 170 million# achievable in 48 mos. 2. How will monitise be "paid". His answer: The main revenue in a few years will be user generated revenue based on 2 streams: a. A per user per year subscription fee to use the mobile banking platform b. A transaction fee generated from mcommerce transactions initiated by our app-typically a 5-10% transaction value! lower on big ticket items like consumer electronics or vacations. The neat trick here is that we share this with the banks so they end up paying less or even making a profit on their mobile channel. (Verbatim). Hopefully this helps some of you.
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