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21:56 15/07/2022

Copied from ( D ) notes 15 July 2022 what a difference this three months has made,*Good Friday 15th April 2022 (B) 647,919 ( Por ) 909,017 ( debt ) -261,094 ( Day ) 1000 ( Available ) 68,513 .So the marker which still is 560,493 beaten by *348,524* appears to be a new all time high .

08:53 13/07/2022

The marker back then 3/4/21 was 516,995 , now 567,228 so 50,233 sent over last 15 months .

08:51 13/07/2022

The beaten by is lower then any time on barcplus have to go back to 20th February 2021 when still using ii to see a lower 218,076 .*This post copied from shortly after 3rd April 2021 . I am getting near 30,000 safety buffer (B) 603,104 (Por) 779,492 (debt)-176,388 (Day) 646 ( Available 36,711 ) debt is up a lot 7,421 2000 withdrawn 1st April 2021. ( ISA new year ) Marker eqv …… 516,995 ( The 7,421 extra debt not added ) ( Deposits and withdrawals only have been added to Marker eqv ) The Marker is subtracted from ( Por ) ( had to think about that posting this week I hope it Is not dementia ) And thus. The Marker is beaten…by 262,497 which is up on last week by 11,580. I can not see a better marker above ( 260,867 on 20th March 2021 ) TYJ , Easter 2021 is yet to come . The last Saturday tally on this ii site.

08:48 13/07/2022

9th July 2022 (B) 505,631 ( Por ) 794,177 ( debt ) -288,546 ( Day ) 1,068 ( Available ) 8888 *A MARGIN CALL Tuesday 5th July that had to be clear by 7th July ( OR ) SO Forced USA SALES Tuesday to Thursday pulled me back to beginning of month level, but all sold at profit , Port still down 271 available up by 5097 . no funds added so Marker same as 3rd July post 567,228 ( 794,177 - 567,228 = beaten by *226,949* )

08:46 13/07/2022

All FRENCH the writing up again on A.E.R. Looks like gone from here so moved back ( After seeing sad POG news 13/7/22 )

21:40 07/01/2022

what is all this posting below about and why in french ? please tell I am curious

21:50 25/12/2021

25th December 2021 (B) 626,958 ( Por ) 864,143 ( debt ) -237,185 ( Day ) 2,184 ( Available ) 81,932 ( Debt 1,227 higher )

21:43 25/12/2021

No idea why the "adoptionexpress" foreign language post was put on here but prevous post are under it . ( it in in two parts and very long )

23:33 18/12/2021

17th Decemberber 2021 (B) 595,684 ( Por ) 831.643 ( debt ) -235,958 ( Day ) 344 ( Available ) 70,557 ( Debt 24,281 higher )

23:28 18/12/2021

20th November 2021 (B) 651,566 ( Por ) 863,243 ( debt ) -211,677 ( Day ) 962 ( Available ) 87,212 ( Day 962 ) added 2250
