25th March 2023 (B) 475,409 ( Por ) 744,165 ( debt ) -268,755 ( Day ) 954 ( Available ) 20,839 The new marker 580,384 ( no change ) beaten by 163,781 which is down on last last week by 885 ( the beaten number nicer digits :- ) ) The TOTAL IS A LOSS -111,274 ( 10 deals this week 6 buys 4 sells )
The "Marker" is below 15th October 2022 "St Edward the Confessor" which was 174,009 ( TODAY it is 164.666* ) Thank God the available is at least 20.056 ( 10 under safety buffer but maybe the buffer is being used for that purpose ) available on 15th October was 3,672. the index is only back to mid December level , not as low as October 2022. .
18th March 2023 (B) 476,149 ( Por ) 745,050 ( debt ) -268,901 ( Day ) 677 ( Available ) 20.056 The new marker 580,384 ( 6600 added ) beaten by 164,666 which is down on last last week by 28,887 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -110,535 ( 15 deals this week 11 buys 4 sells )
18 th March 2023 DAY AFTER St Patricks Massive falls again due to Silicon Valley Bank last Friday , then Credit Suisee this week which is down to the rapid interest rate rises of last few months . (B) 498,874 ( Por ) 767,337 ( debt ) -268,465 ( Day ) 1491 ( Available ) 31,027 The new marker 573,784 ( 1000 added ) beaten by 193,553 which is down on last last week by 33,145 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -81,210 ( 9 deals this week sold rest of GOTU all out now and part of 6 buys 3 sells )
THIS THE LAST COMMENT ON OLD PAGE AFTER ALL THE FRENCH WRITHING UP AGAIN ON "ARE" SEE 13 JULY 2022 BELOW //A big drop on the "beaten by " down 33,145 this week . The last time I see anything like that was St Edward the confessor week 15/10/2022 down 33,325 , looks like only 3,672 available then against 31,027 now . it is a very big weekly drop. The highest one week gain I see between these big drop dates, 14th January 2023 "Up 22,569" . I have a note 28th January 2023. "Do not go below 35,000 available " Must let it drop more . LAST WEEKS COPY ON OTHER PAGE ..11 Mar 2023 11th March 2023 (B) 498,874 ( Por ) 767,337 ( debt ) -268,465 ( Day ) 1491 ( Available ) 31,027 The new marker 573,784 ( 1000 added ) beaten by 193,553 which is down on last last week by 33,145 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -81,210 ( 9 deals this week sold rest of GOTU all out now and part of 6 buys 3 sells )
13th August 2022 (B) 570,349 ( Por ) 851,187 ( debt ) -280,838 ( Day ) 1687 ( Available ) 40,938 , buys & sells . Marker of 567,928 is beaten by 283,259 which is up 14,392 on last week ( not quite as much increase as two weeks ago ) TYJ ... The TOTAL IS A LOSS SHOWING -3898 ( IT WAS IN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS LAST MONTH )
6th August 2022 (B) 549,221 ( Por ) 836,795 ( debt ) -287,583 ( Day ) 1,162 ( Available ) 25,741 , 2 early week buys then 3 sells ( 2 on the Friday ) . 700 added so Marker is now 567,928 is beaten by 268,867 which is up 9,163 further on last week TYJ
30th July 2022 (B) 538,206 ( Por ) 826,932 ( debt ) -288,726 ( Day ) 1975 ( Available ) 22,156 , 4 buys 1 sell . Marker of 567,228 is beaten by 259,704 which is up 17,777 further on last week TYJ
23rd July 2022 (B) 522,722 ( Por ) 809,155 ( debt ) -286,433 ( Day ) 2368 ( Available ) 17611 two take overs paid out Ideagen & stagecoach raising about £2,500, I bought two of the USA forced sales of 5th/ 7th below back cheaper , the concerning category changes on 19th did not make much difference but balance increase of 26,543 & Portfolio 24,719 has took concern away from margin which is now of 50% of what I wanted as a buffer after covid . Marker of 567,228 is beaten by 241,927 which is up 24,719 on last week TYJ
16h July 2022 (B) 496,179 ( Por ) 784,436 ( debt ) -288,257 ( Day ) 355 ( Available ) 7049 No transactions or Money added this week Friday 15th 9am only 2900 Available it a concern . *category downgrades on Tuesday 19th . ( Margin reason last time ) Marker is 217,208 . down 9741 on last weeks 226,949 .
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