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06:58 22/07/2023

22nd Jul 2023 8th July 2023 (B) 462,338 ( Por ) 722,156 ( debt ) -259,817 (Day ) 974 ( Available ) 20,390 The new marker 561,767 beaten by 160,389 up 34,663 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -103,728, Two week acc off Two good weeks.

11:57 08/07/2023

8th July 2023 (B) 433,956 ( Por ) 695,493 ( debt ) -261,536 Day ) 630( Available ) 7,018 The new marker 569,767 beaten by 125,726 down 18,369 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -143,110 , a bad week.

07:44 02/07/2023

2nd July 2023 (B) 451,350 ( Por ) 713,469 ( debt ) -262,118 Day ) 752 ( Available ) 13,652 The new marker 569,374 beaten by 144,095 much the same on last weekThe TOTAL IS A LOSS -125,323 slightly better. booked money reduced by 2k to 263,000.

08:28 24/06/2023

24th Jun 2023 (B) 447,019( Por ) 712,018 ( debt ) -264,498 ( Day ) -703 ( Available ) 9988 The new marker 569,374 as 1590 added , beaten by 142,644 worse then last week by 21,962,The TOTAL IS A LOSS -129634 .highest ever.

03:45 17/06/2023

17th Jun 2023 (B) 469,198 ( Por ) 732,390 ( debt ) -263,191 ( Day ) -857 ( Available ) 19,884 The new marker 567,784 - *8000 beaten by 164,606 better by 4,743, my busted still slow process back in pool Monday helping ,The TOTAL IS A LOSS -104,885 which is 3,574 better.. AMC Returned capital 8000.

08:41 10/06/2023

10th June 2023 (B) 473,624 ( Por ) 733,647 ( debt ) -262,022 ( Day ) 681 ( Available ) 21,648 The new marker 575,784 - 2000 beaten by 159,863 better by 3,786, my busted still slow process ,The TOTAL IS A LOSS -108,459 which is 2,641 better.

07:49 03/06/2023

3rd June 2023 (B) 472,983 ( Por ) 733,861 ( debt ) -262,786 ( Day ) 806 ( Available ) 21,786 The new marker 577,784 beaten by 156.077 slightly again, my busted arm slow process , reason for missing weeks below The TOTAL IS A LOSS -111,100 slightly better. booked money reduced by 5k to 265,000.

12:03 29/05/2023

28th May 2023 (B) 471,349 ( Por ) 734,955 ( debt ) -263,608 ( Day ) 950 ( Available ) 16,348 The new marker 577,784 beaten by 157,171 which is down over last two week by 17,745 busted arm slow process , The TOTAL IS A LOSS -112,752 last seen this level March 2023.

13:32 14/05/2023

14th May 2023 (B) 483,612 ( Por ) 752,700 ( debt ) -269,087 ( Day ) 263 ( Available ) 16,394 The new marker 577,784 beaten by 174,916 which is down on the last 3 weeks by 7,392 Hospital operation busted arm, The TOTAL IS A LOSS -100,471 ( Not many deals ) First Republic - 1777 Admin loss part of extra losses.

19:07 29/04/2023

29th Apr 2023 (B) 491,239 ( Por ) 760,092 ( debt ) -268,852 ( Day ) 1,236 ( Available ) 23,376 The new marker 577,784 ( 2,000 withdrawn ) beaten by 182,308 which is down on last last week by 2,959 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -92,844 ( 19 deals this week 14 buys 5 sells ) News speculation of First Republic going bust will be 1777 bad gamble .
