New World Oil - NEW Stream Log

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14:26 21/05/2015

Just settled my T20

10:04 21/05/2015

Emails done! GLA

06:59 21/05/2015

I think that is what Ben T was trying to do.

18:39 20/05/2015
12:01 20/05/2015

How long is trading suspended for?

10:51 20/05/2015

o/t All eyes on OXS now

22:01 19/05/2015

gang plank time

21:57 19/05/2015

Silly me, I thought insider dealing was illegal.

19:54 19/05/2015

Sent my email to [email protected] hope everyone else does, we need to act as one and not be screwed!

18:50 19/05/2015

Never? How long have you been trading

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