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12:39 05/08/2014

Prediction::"he who laughs last,didnt get the joke in the first place" jmc

20:34 04/08/2014

Paulie;; Welcome back,.Better response today,things are moving,compared to last Friday!!Concerning some of the" sarky remarks" very understandable!!.We are dealing with an AIM company in New,they are trying to break out and deal with the "big boys"thats not easy..For example,look at Med oil and gas,got approvals,off the coast of Italy,,with oil and gas,still got taken to the cleaners,four years work!! Look at B.P.C.With all licences in place still cant proceed,,how long three years,,I promise you I could continue the list for ages,dont want to bore you,in the end it adds up to delays and that's what we are involved in with New,Fingers crossed,we will end up with a deal,as I said fingers crossed,,,regards jmc

14:47 25/07/2014

Doubters;;Move on,before you do,, look at the facts,,1/ NEW are an exploring company nothing more or nothing less,they have had a go and have not hit the "sweet spot" 2/ They have assets. 3The board of directors have got "off" there backsides and are trying to put several deals together,however,they are dealing with the big boys,please remember,,the little guys never ever push the big guys about!!! the deal time,will take as long as it takes,if it goes past the end of July,so be it..One thing will happen a deal will be done,, amen jmc

18:17 24/07/2014

Yuffspetpood...Chill just because Arminius has faith! These things take time. Do remember that Neil have already given 5m, 20% of what they were going to pay. That alone to be shows they are serious. There may be an extension ahead..and if there is I will hopefully be able to buy some more when the price drops. If not I will be happy with a rise!

11:59 23/07/2014

Rivendell;; To be honest,"the team" are at its wits end,,,Oil everywhere!! but no water,just sent for some, plus I have requested my diary

15:26 21/07/2014

Clarification; Target date they are aiming for==Wednesday 30th July,,this year jmc

20:25 18/07/2014

Goldcapricor:: You have come up with a very interesting question,There is no doubt about that fact!!My best answer,if I toldyou you would not believe it,So I am going to give you my second answer,the target date is the end of this month,,The majority would answer,,,,Soon!!!!!! jmc

20:19 17/07/2014

P.S. Wheres Paulie 3 gone??please resond,if not on holiday jmc

20:16 17/07/2014

DIARY;; Now,where did I put it?Ah,now I remember,I put a note in it to ring NEW,to see if there was any news about the target date,must ring them soon!! I dont want to be "flattened by the herd",,could be nasty..jmc

20:07 14/07/2014

GOOD NEWS;; I have found my diary,what a relief..Only another 13 days to go,before we hit the target date..To all concerned,will you please make sure no one,but no one moves the "target"..regards jmc

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