New World Oil - NEW Stream Log

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16:52 07/05/2015

might get spiked jumping on board tomorrow

16:18 07/05/2015

.1971 to sell

16:16 07/05/2015

the story is naked shortes are trying to close positions as they have sold 2.7 billion shares in a placing that will be voted out at the EGM and are facing huge losses

16:13 07/05/2015

they will take all my shares for 0.1913p

15:51 07/05/2015

damn i am 20 mins behind i have no idea of current prices

13:29 07/05/2015

Well they can have my 1m at the right price which was 4p the last time i checked.

09:08 06/05/2015

today 23mill shares are 3%, but five days ago 342mill was 10%. The company and the nomad have no idea what to do, they are clueless

21:47 04/05/2015

Fastjet another

14:45 05/02/2015

Good Luck all on this final straw.

10:36 15/12/2014

looks like no hope left, merry Christmas gla.

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