Amur Minerals Corporation - Re: AMC Stream Log - First Deputy Minister of the...

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12:35 22/05/2014

First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation on the development of the Far East Alexander Osipov May 22 arrived in the northern capital to participate in the activities of the 18th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which will last three days. This year PMEF held under the motto "Building trust in an era of transformation." Central area of ​​the forum is located in the exhibition complex "Fairgrounds" in the territory of the Vasilievsky Island. Participation in the event confirmed chapter 146 and 450 major world leading Russian companies, representatives of 109 official delegations from 62 countries. The forum program is built around a few major themes, including the "Disclosure of the competitive potential of Russia", "Risk Management for stimulating growth" and "Management of breakthrough technologies and adapt to change." Total program of the first day indicated 37 sessions in a variety of formats. They will discuss a wide range of issues both global and Russian economies. Scheduled a series of high-level talks and the signing of various agreements. Business program first deputy head Minvostokrazvitiya also provides a series of meetings with leaders of major companies and foreign delegations. In the first half of the day was a meeting with Aleksandr Osipov CEO of Philips in Russia and the CIS Peter Vullingsom, representatives from several other divisions of the company. The negotiations with the People's Government of China's Heilongjiang province, as well as the signing of cooperation agreements with Gazprom and Minvostokrazvitiya Savings Bank of Russia. May 23, at the plenary session of the forum will participate Minister of the Russian Federation on the development of the Far East Alexander Galushka. On the same day he will make a presentation at the session "Creating centers of economic growth in the Russian regions," "Disclosure of the competitive potential of Russia", and will also participate in the panel discussion "Far East: The new center of gravity." In addition, it is planned to sign an agreement with NK "Rosneft" and a memorandum on strategic partnership Minvostokrazvitiya with St. Petersburg.

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