San Leon Energy - Re: SLE Stream Log - Bring back Ozzie !!! it...

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16:03 21/05/2014

Bring back Ozzie !!! it might help, it certainly couldn't be any worse. This is the problem with AIM penny shares - you take a chance based on research, available info and data etc etc, however what annoys me most is being constantly told to wait for the next "good news coming soon" posters ( note I did not call them rampers ! ) who can click and paste all the technical jargon about fracking and technology and what the acreage is worth, it doesn't hide the fact that this company is largely built on " wait and see " empty promises and empty valuations which as it obviously turns out very few out there have any interest in. I know all about win some / lose some and have done so in the past with AIM's but I do think SLE is now taking the proverbial mick
