2. Holders of nominee registered shares
A holder of nominee registered shares has the right to participate in the annual general meeting by virtue of such
shares, based on which he/she on the record date of the annual general meeting, i.e. on 2 June 2014, would be
entitled to be registered in the shareholders’ register of the Company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. The right to
participate in the annual general meeting requires, in addition, that the shareholder on the basis of such shares
has been registered into the temporary shareholders’ register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd at the latest on 9
June 2014 by 100 a.m. (Finnish time). As regards nominee registered shares this constitutes due registration
for the annual general meeting.
A holder of nominee registered shares is advised to request without delay necessary instructions regarding the
registration in the temporary shareholder’s register of the Company, the issuing of proxy documents and the
registration for the annual general meeting from his/her custodian bank. The account operator of the custodian
bank has to register a holder of nominee registered shares, who wants to participate in the annual general
meeting, into the temporary shareholders’ register of the Company at the latest by the time stated above.
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