ROSE Stream Log

11:42 23/06/2014

BAO - my impatients nearly cost me on CAZA lol

11:41 23/06/2014

morning salop

11:37 23/06/2014

morning ST

11:34 23/06/2014

hi JD, PB

10:23 23/06/2014

CAZA woke up this morning JD

08:34 23/06/2014

yeah i'm hoping the jazzmaster news is this week

08:34 23/06/2014

but will hang on for a tad not impatient at all

08:33 23/06/2014

awesome...was contemplating selling, as has been more or less static for a couple of weeks

08:33 23/06/2014

hi yes, news due anytime RE CAZA

08:29 23/06/2014

news overdue?

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