ROSE Stream Log

16:06 27/05/2014

think i saw it at 1.37 and thought naa

16:06 27/05/2014

1.37 WOW

16:05 27/05/2014

they will need funds going forward

16:05 27/05/2014

so something holding back

16:05 27/05/2014

but its had 2 goes at 2.9p now and failed

16:05 27/05/2014

i think you'll see 2.4+ tomoz

16:05 27/05/2014

u JD?

16:04 27/05/2014

not tempted at 2.8++ to offload/slice?

16:04 27/05/2014

2.125p to be precise!

16:04 27/05/2014

anyone buying alibaba?...I have a few US stocks and really waiting for that one?