hope we get a bounce from here at 2.15p REM looks like its had its moment ...for the moment ??
will check in on CAZA this friday to see how it is
CAZA interest will build up towards end of next week on frac result
..but it seems ROSE is sitting on a much larger reserve base compared to CAZA!!
ROSE is in a similar position to what CAZA was few years ago - CAZA been sitting on Bone Springs for ages but only recently started proving it up lately and they're only now fully realising just how much potential it has and will have - yet they only started proving it up when the Bone Springs area had seen an increase in drilling activity with success. and this is how i see ROSE currently - the statement below suggests the intense development activities are only just beginning
toot - that just reaffirms why i intend to build up a freehold of ROSE
it is a good point from harry. rosie has fingers in few pies
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