ROSE Stream Log

15:40 02/06/2014

ceiling smashed

15:36 02/06/2014

only been following rosie a week - so easy to read

15:35 02/06/2014

seems like the glass ceiling of 2.7 is no more

15:35 02/06/2014

whoosh whoosh

15:30 02/06/2014

i rekon this glass ceiling is made of iron

15:03 02/06/2014

7k at 2.7 then

14:59 02/06/2014

good best of luck

14:57 02/06/2014


14:57 02/06/2014

no - not worth it at this stage ..... any good nes and it will pop agin before a big big drop

14:56 02/06/2014

are you short?