ROSE Stream Log

14:21 19/06/2014

not sure....2 buys have been recorded from what i can see from when i last said about it

14:19 19/06/2014

cheers will do....whats this muppet on about WEST11 - Buys flooding in????

14:14 19/06/2014

good RNS...take a quick look

14:13 19/06/2014

good luck with ASTA JD - not looked at them myself -

14:11 19/06/2014

guna use funds in ASTA i think for attempted quick trade

14:11 19/06/2014

literally just sold CEY..

14:11 19/06/2014


14:10 19/06/2014

dont go into SER looks like a dead duck now

14:06 19/06/2014

30k buy on REM just gone through

14:05 19/06/2014

oo ouch big down trend

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