ROSE Stream Log

08:29 20/06/2014

mms having fun with QPP

08:28 20/06/2014

even better

08:28 20/06/2014

I think it'll start moving up from today

08:27 20/06/2014

can u confirm that BAO or did i misread?

08:27 20/06/2014

when the placing happens i believe...or when its passed...

08:26 20/06/2014

yeah its short term support was 1.55 now seems to b 1.6 for the min

08:26 20/06/2014

30TH JUNE? why JD

08:26 20/06/2014

Can buy at 1.61 currently

08:26 20/06/2014

the amount of people of here earlier slating this was ridiculous

08:25 20/06/2014

dont worry that will seem like a great idea in a month

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