ROSE Stream Log

08:45 20/06/2014

you missed the big rise a few weeks ago?

08:45 20/06/2014

QPP, was a bad call for me....expecting more of a rise off of the slander

08:45 20/06/2014

ah no way

08:44 20/06/2014

had it from day one....then sold it and BoooooM up it went and managed just to catch it

08:44 20/06/2014

ha fail.

08:44 20/06/2014

mines ROSE

08:44 20/06/2014


08:44 20/06/2014


08:44 20/06/2014

never get emotional with shares isnt that one of the first rules??

08:43 20/06/2014


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