Beacon Hill Resources - Re: BHR Stream Log - I noticed that the Darwin...

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16:19 29/04/2014

I noticed that the Darwin short is still open; not good, do they know something, however I think they may have a bottom cap on the conversion, still as a company we really need to get those paracites of our backs. I've heard lots about the RNS due tomorrow and there isn't one due, quarterely reports were a market requirement of the ASX and not the LSE, probably a good thing because if the BOD issue yet another 'significant progress is being made' ,we are confident that' ' due dilligence continues' ' we strive to be a teir one producer' ' negotiations are taking place' - I think you get my drift but I'll likely jump through the nearest window out of sheer frustration at the BOD's ineptitude to make progress, any RNS issues that does not contain concrete definitive factual statements will cause the SP to suffer even at this dismal price! Having one of those p!ssed off and frustrated days if you can't tell )
