Hurricane Energy - HUR Stream Log

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08:45 19/09/2014

What is..Imagine if the socks had voted yes!!

08:42 19/09/2014

Only: Oilex

11:00 18/09/2014

AngelN1: Bravo, well put sir, on all counts...

20:29 14/09/2014

If the English people had a say you would be history by now, however we haven't, so I expect common sense to prevail and it will be No on Friday morning

12:17 26/08/2014

40p buys..........

12:40 18/08/2014

I'll admit I was one of those fools looking to get rich on KEA buck luckily sense prevailed and I only invested 1k. I'm relatively new to Aim and stocks in general so I'm taking this as a major learning curve. I've decided to leave what i have left in kea stew for a couple hoping a decrease my loss. But happily I have a good amount of shares in HUR.

22:01 17/08/2014

Float price

15:39 17/07/2014

Any Idea Has anybody got any idea how many shares Black Rock still have to off load and? Also I’m assuming they are using more than one outlet to offload them in blocks of 10,000 each time?

10:48 17/07/2014

Question....Is there still a big seller in the background selling of chunks of 10.000 shares at a time? Is this Blackrock?

22:39 09/07/2014

exactly, look at ROXI today, went up 100% on news of a discovery alone,big new on this will send it through the roof. Does the fact that big II's are getting in here not tell you something
